

篇名 近代西方史學思潮變遷 (1830-1980)
並列篇名 The Change of the Historical Thought in West (1830-1980)
作者 歐宗明(Ou, Tzong-ming)
中文摘要 臺灣現代史學研究之基礎觀念及研究方法多源於西方史學思潮,是以有必要探究西方史學思潮演進及轉折,進而探索臺灣史學研究未來走向。本文循歷史研究進路,採文獻分析法,以十九及二十世紀西方史學思潮轉變為主軸進行考察。經考察後發現十九及二十世紀間史學思潮出現兩個重大轉折,十九世紀原本由客觀的和科學的觀念主導之史學,在世紀之交時轉為相對的和反客觀的史學觀點,接著在二十世紀中葉又因法國年鑑學派、計量史學、心理史學和新敘事史等不同觀點相繼冒出,轉向總體的及綜合的史學觀點。至此,西方史學不再是直線發展,而是從單一、獨尊的觀點,朝向多元、多樣的觀點轉進。綜合觀之,當某一史學觀點或學術業績發展到達顛峰時,總會引起改變,這些改變確實發揮探求歷史真相的功效,而新觀點對舊觀點之批判也促其慢慢演化,且因觀點不同使史學作品得以呈現不同樣貌。
英文摘要 The fundamental theories and methodology of all the research of historical sub-area originated from the thought of history in West. If we would find the status and causes of the historical research in Taiwan, it must be to inquire and analyze the progress of thought of historiography in West. The
study used the historical research approach and document analysis method. The probe was focused on the change of the historical thought from 19th to 20th century, and some findings were found.Between the 19th and 20th century, there were two turns in the historical thought. In 19th century, the objective and scientific thought were the mainstream of historical research in West. In the end of 19th century and begin of 20th century, the anti-objective and relative historical thought appeared and superseded the objective and scientific thought. In the middle of 20th century, Annales School,Quantitative History, Psychohistory and New Narrative History were emerged, and the thought turn again to total and synthetic thought. The progress of historical research was not the linear development any more at this moment. The historical thought was changed from single and unique concept to multiple and diversified concept. In general, the old historical ideas or researches developed to the top, then someone who wanted to do something new or different would oppose. And the historical research would be to change.
頁次 61-76
關鍵詞 史學思想 史學史 historical thought historiography
卷期 43:2
日期 200910
刊名 人文與社會研究學報
出版單位 國立臺南大學