

篇名 文化創意產業創業家的創業歷程與靈性成長的關係:一個個案的敘說研究
並列篇名 A Founder of Culture Creativity Industry whose Undertaking Course in Relation with Spiritual Growth: A Case Study of Narration Inquiry
作者 陳雯萍
中文摘要 本研究以「推動文化創意產業者的創業歷程與靈性成長的關係:一個個案的敘說研究」為題,探討一位文化創意產業創業家在創業歷程中,所顯現出與靈性成長的關係,與其在創業過程中的變化。研究採用訪談法、Shadow與敘說探究法,分析發現受訪者在初期所展現影響文化產業創業的動力,來自偉大的母愛、堅信兒子的托夢與靈性事件。在創業歷程中所展現創業家的特質與靈性的關係,包括:吃苦認命的女性特質、宗教信仰中感恩與關懷別人的慈悲心、精益求精的創意發明人特質、儒家思想影響不求名利的價值觀及成功就是分享的信念。同時,還包括對在地文化的認同、在學習與轉化中顯現驚人的毅力、策略聯盟以精進學習與生態環保的社會責任、顯現儒家信仰與不求名利的價值觀,與把小愛化成大愛,顯現公眾靈性與解放。最後,還展現了愛與公義與成立靈修院,朝向更高層次的靈性發展。
英文摘要 This study mainly focuses on a founder of culture creativity industry whose undertaking course in relation with spiritual growth and changes. This study uses interview, shadow and narration inquiry to analyze and find the initial motive of interviewer influenced on creative cultural business come from great love of mother and mother’s strong faith in her son in a dream. The examples of spiritual growth showed in course included recognition of local cultures, amazing determination in learning and transforming, social responsibilities of advanced learning and environment-protection, non-profit values of traditional Chinese belief, public soul and release emerged from selflessness love. At last, it moved toward higher level of spiritual growth by showing love and justice as well as establishing monastery.
頁次 141-179
關鍵詞 narration inquiry spiritual growth founder of a business culture creativity industry 敘說探究 靈性成長 創業家 文化創意產業
卷期 11
日期 200812
刊名 成人及終身教育學刊
出版單位 中華民國成人教育學會等