

篇名 成果導向的大學課程調整
並列篇名 Outcome-Based Curriculum Revision of Universities
作者 李坤崇
中文摘要 本文旨在探討以成果導向教育為基礎的大學課程調整理念與實例,課程調整的步驟,依序為該學系是否預備好即將改變、學院/系的教育宗旨是否合宜且清楚地表達、系課程目標是否與其宗旨一致、現行課程是否與系課程目標一致、是否已有資料可評量符合目標的程度、確認優劣並設計行動計畫,以及課程修改。如欲調整課程,應先檢視現有課程與系課程目標、核心能力及能力指標的關係,並檢視現有各課程縱向、橫向及其與成果間的關係。課程調整宜掌握向下設計、微調或重組、強化能力與正式課程關聯,以及強化能力與非正式課程關聯等原則。本文輔以國立成功大學學務處學生輔導組課程調整、南台科技大學通識教育課程精實減併規劃與實施等實例,說明大學課程調整的理念與歷程。
英文摘要 The purpose of this research is to discuss the concept of university curriculum revision based on the theories of outcome-based education and provide some examples. For the implementation of the education goals and the promotion of students’ core competencies, university curricula should be revised appropriately. Curriculum revision could be executed according to the following steps. First, check these questions in order. Are the educational goals of the school / department clear and appropriate? Are the curriculum objectives of the department consistent with its goals? Is the current curriculum consistent with the department curriculum objectives? Is there any information which could be measured to show the objectives have been accomplished? Second, analyze the strengths and weaknesses of the current curriculum to propose an action plan. Finally, fulfill the curriculum revision. To revise the curriculum, a university should check the relation between the current curriculum, the department curriculum goals, the core competences and the performance criteria. Then, review every course and its outcomes vertically and horizontally. Revising curricula, universities should live up to the principles such as downward design, fine-tuning, restructuring, and connection the capacity strengthening with formal and informal courses. This research offers two cases implemented by the National Cheng Kung University and Southern Taiwan University of Science and Technology respectively to demonstrate the concept and process of the university curriculum revision.
頁次 056-074
關鍵詞 成果導向教育 大學課程 課程調整 outcome-based education university curriculum curriculum revision
卷期 227
日期 201303
刊名 教育研究月刊
出版單位 高等教育文化事業有限公司