

篇名 校長學習領導的理念與實踐策略
並列篇名 The Ideas and Practices of Leadership for Learning by Principals
作者 吳清山 、王令宜
中文摘要 學生為教育的主體,校長的領導作為當以提升學生學習表現為核心;校長如何透過有效的學習領導,幫助教師有效教學行為和激勵學生有效學習,乃是教育發展中值得關注的課題。本文旨在探究校長學習領導的理念與實踐策略,首先說明學習領導的意涵和層面;其次闡述學習領導的發展和相關理論的分析;接著分析校長在學習領導的角色和功能;最後提出學習領導的實踐策略,包括厚實教學領導和課程領導知能、強化領導素養等五大項,以供參考。
英文摘要 Principals have always recognized the improvement of student achievement as central to their missions in governing schools. Therefore, a successful principal's leadership can play a significant role in improving students learning. This paper aims to explore the ideas and practices of leadership for learning by principals. We begin our discussion by examining the basic concepts of leadership for learning. Next, we describe the development and approaches of leadership for learning. Then, we analyze the principal's roles and functions to the leadership for learning. Finally, we present the practices of effective leadership for learning, including to improve the knowledge and skills of instructional leadership, and curriculum leadership for principals etc.
頁次 001-021
關鍵詞 校長 學習領導 principal leadership for learning
卷期 2:2
日期 201212
刊名 教育行政研究
出版單位 中華民國教育行政學會