

篇名 烙印.泳裝.身體藝術-以習慣領域之交換原理創作為例
並列篇名 Impression, Swimsuit, Body Art Examples of Applying Alternating Principle of Habitual Domains in Creative Design
作者 張翠園(Chang, Tusi-yuan) 、盧縉梅(Lu, Chin-mei) 、黃瓊慧(Huang, Chiung-huei)
中文摘要 近年來,女性自我意識的覺醒與工作版圖的擴張,讓女性泳裝跳脫以單純游泳為目的方式,轉而呈現出抽象的、感官的、建築的另類美學。本件作品設計者以「習慣領域」之「交換原理」為創作的思考架構,把唐、宋時期國畫的詩意以及圓弧、穿透、層次、陰影…等現代建築理念,轉換、移植於真實形態之泳裝設計上。讓東方文化藝術與西方現代幾何建築在泳裝的世界裡巧妙對話。泳裝是最能表現人體美的服裝之一,人體之美,在於她是由無數條弧型曲線所構築而成。此件作品,在「內容」上:設計者以手繪的方式,把中國的「花卉水墨畫」與民間的通俗文化「刺青」,以一種時空交錯重置設計的方式,展現出泳裝的知性、人文與藝術的多元美學創意。在「形式」上:則以陽剛的現代建築美學與對時尚美學的絕對信仰,構築出「烙印」泳裝整體款式之空間結構。空間、構圖、詩意、性感,「交換原理」暗示了單一主題的破解與多元價值可以並存(共生)的可能實現。
英文摘要 In recent years, women's self-consciousness and the expansion of female role in work place leaped women's swimwear from the purpose of swimming to an abstract,sensory, and architectural aesthetic. In this swimwear, the designer applied the alternating principle of HD as the framework of design thinking. The poetic sentiment from Chinese painting of Tang and Song dynasty, and architectural elements such as arc, penetration,levels, shadow…etc were transformed into the real-world example of swimwear design. This swimwear provides a space for a clever dialogue between the
Eastern culture & art and the Western modern architecture.Swimsuit is the best clothing to showcase the beauty of human body. The beauty of human body can be attributed woman’s figure consisting of numerous naturally
constructed curves. The content of this work reveals the multiple aesthetic creativity of the profundity of swimwear and humanities and art. It was designed in a way to reset time and space by hand-painting of Chinese flower ink painting and tattoo from pop culture. The form of this work was about constructing an impression of the overall style of the spatial structure of swimwear. It was carried out with the masculine aesthetic of modern architecture and the absolute faith in fashion aesthetic.By exchanging space, composition, poetic sentiment, and sex appeal, the alternating principle of HD implies the feasibility of coexistence of a broken single theme and multiple values.
頁次 001-010
關鍵詞 泳裝 習慣領域 Swimsuit Habitual Domains
卷期 3:1
日期 201111
刊名 習慣領域期刊
出版單位 國立交通大學資管所習慣領域研究室、社團法人中華民國習慣領域學會