

篇名 台灣高等教育議題之民意調查研究
並列篇名 Survey of Views on Higher Educational Issues in Taiwan
作者 朱玉仿
中文摘要 本研究目的在針對台灣高等教育之重要問題進行電話訪問調查,以了解民眾對當前高等教育議題的認知及看法,提供教育主管機關處理教育政策相關事務之參考。本研究調查對象為台灣地區(含離島)年滿20歲以上之民眾,2008年共計調查21個問題,其中15題為高等教育相關問題,6題為受訪者基本資料。本次調查問題之內容係為當前高等教育的重要或新興議題,題目由教育主關機關提供。調查執行採電腦輔助的電話訪問系統,依縣市人口比例由電腦隨機抽樣,共計完成1068份成功樣本。本研究自2005年開始執行至2008年,部分問題已連續調查四年,故某些延續性的問題已有長期的資料可以呈現不同年度民眾意見的變化趨勢。最後,研究之調查發現及討論擬提供政策上有用之參考建議,另外,亦期望呈現出台灣民眾對高等教育重要議題的持續關切情況。
英文摘要 The main goal of this study is to offer valuable empirical findings for educational policy decision-making in Taiwan. To achieve this goal, a set of surveys of representative sample of adult population in Taiwan was conducted regarding their views and attitudes toward higher educational issues. The survey included fifteen main questions and six background questions in the survey of 2008. The questions which were designed to encompass important and emerging issues related to the topic provided by the Ministry of Education. There were over 1068 interviewees who are 20 years old or above and were randomly sampled by CATI (computer-assisted telephone interviewing) according to the population percentage of counties. In the survey of year 2008, part of questions were surveyed every year since 2005. The results show the changes of people’s opinions and give us the useful information for policy decision-making. The study may prove to be pertinent to the needs of educational policy-makers. In addition, it provides evidence of general public concerns about higher educational issues in Taiwan.
頁次 105-137
關鍵詞 高等教育 教育政策 電話訪問調查 higher education educational policy telephone interview survey
卷期 5:1
日期 201006
刊名 高等教育
出版單位 台灣高等教育學會