

篇名 營造社區意識活絡農村社區:以嘉義市圓林仔志工參與社區營造為例
並列篇名 Building up Community Consciousness to Rejuvenate a Rural Community:    The Volunteers’ Participation of Yuan Lin Zai Community Empowerment Project
作者 賴昭志 、何青蓉
中文摘要 本研究個案── 圓林仔社區位於嘉義市西北邊陲,為百年古農村部落型態,研究者因應政府推動「新故鄉社區營造計畫」,提出「圓林仔『古厝新貌』工程計畫」社區營造案,經由此一營造過程,終使該地被指定為「生態社區」,居民並自組「圓林仔社區發展協會」,至今仍繼續向內政部爭取提案,賡續營造社區成可居和可遊的自為社區。本研究探究此一社區營造計畫中,志工社區意識發展歷程。本研究係採個案研究方法,透由訪談、活動及會議觀察和相關文件的分析,發現志工社區意識發展經過以下的歷程:(一)藉由田野調查,覺察認識社區;(二)透過問卷調查、實地訪談,以擴大社區關懷;(三)引進資源凝聚社區文化共識;(四)創設活動爭取社區尊榮;(五)媒體報導文史尋根,衍生社區榮耀;(六)藉由宗族耆宿經驗發展社區認同;以及(七)參訪觀摩教育研習,有助培養社區自覺。進一步,並針對研究發現提出以下建議:首先,在對社區工作者方面:做好資源調查、借重社區經驗修正計畫,以貼近社區、推動社區成人教育與自發性行動的連結、參訪覺察與澄清營造概念;其次,就營造的社區而言:社區生活層次的提升,藉以將原生文化與特色文化連結;以及從純產業到文化產業,以免社區特色物化或流於形式。
英文摘要 Yuan Lin Zai Community is a century-old agricultural village on the northwest side of Chiayi City. The community is a treasure trove of old trees, historic monuments and cultural relics. As of today, the committee is seeking the support of the Ministry of the Interior to become a “livable” and “travelable” autonomous community. In accordance with the government’s launching of the “New Homeland Community Empowerment” project, one of the authors proposed the “Reshaping Yuan Lin Zai” plan. With in-depth interviews with locals, participation in activities and meetings, and relevant literature references, it was found that the community empowerment project could help residents in Yuan Lin Zai community to construct a diversified community consciousness: (1) community cognition was built with experts’ participation in field research; (2) problem clarification and on-site interviews strengthened residents’ community concern; (3) media coverage created a sense of pride among residents; (4) activities helped to create the community’s self-respect; (5) the experiences of revered seniors helped to enhance residents’ identification with the community; (6) the introduction of resources forged a cultural consensus; and (7) visits to other communities or workshops helped to cultivate community self-consciousness. Yuan Lin Zai was finally designated as an “ecological community” and residents formed the Yuan Lin Zai Community Development Committee. The authors, witnessing the community’s empowerment process, proposed the two suggestions. First, community workers engage in a thorough investigation of resources, learn from other communities’ experiences to make suitable plans, promote connections between adult education and spontaneous activities, and clarify the empowerment plan to local people. Second, communities in the process of empowerment retain their traditions and culture to avoid their special features from being considered as mere objects or lacking in substance.
頁次 81-116
關鍵詞 社區營造 volunteers community consciousness community empowerment 志工 社區意識
卷期 12
日期 200906
刊名 成人及終身教育學刊
出版單位 中華民國成人教育學會等