

篇名 An Empirical Study of Pausing Patterns in Two-way Sight Translation
並列篇名 雙向視譯靜默停頓之研究
作者 郭鳳蘭(Kuo, Feng-lan) 、陳維君(Chen, Wei-chun) 、江憲坤(Chiang, Heien-kun) 、徐有潔(Hsu, Yu-chieh)
中文摘要 許多口譯研究專家(Gerver, 1975, 1976; Shlesinger, 1994)主張,譯者使用重音、停頓、及音調等語言韻律的方式與一般大眾不同。另外,Mead(2000,2002,2005)認為,因產出準備時間有限,停頓是流暢度最明顯的指標。目前已有許多實驗針對中文以外的語言,探討韻律因素與譯者表現之間的相關性。結果顯示,口語停頓與流暢度成反比。本研究著重於分析中英雙向視譯之停頓模式,目的在於比較29名研究對象,其被動語言為英文;主動語言為中文,對同一段文本進行中譯英、英譯中的雙向視譯。本研究結果顯示,在兩種產出語言間,停頓頻率與分佈情形有顯著差異,但停頓長度則否。也就是說,停頓頻率及句子結構間的停頓分佈是流暢度與譯者表現的準確指標。本研究更進一步發現,當參與者由被動語譯入主動語時,其產出明顯比由主動語譯入被動語更為流利。
英文摘要 In the field of interpreting studies, many experts (Gerver, 1975, 1976; Shlesinger, 1994) argued that the prosody of a language such as stress, pausing, and intonation used by interpreters might be different from general public. On the other hand, Mead (2000, 2002, 2005) considered pauses as the most general index of (dis)fluency in the interpreting process due to the limited scope of planning. A number of studies have been conducted to find the correlation between the afore-mentioned prosodic elements and the interpreter’s performance involving non-Chinese languages. The results revealed that the hesitation of speech, measured in duration, frequency, and distribution, was inversely related to fluency. Focusing on analyzing the pausing patterns in sight translation, this study aims to compare the pausing patterns of 29 subjects’ interpretations of an English-to-Chinese passage to those of an equivalent Chinese-to-English passage where English is the subjects’ passive language while Chinese is their active language. The results showed that there were significant pause frequency and pause distribution differences between the subjects’two output languages, but not for pause duration. That is, the number of pauses and the number of within-constituent pauses were found to be good indicators of fluency and the performance of the interpreters. It was further found that the subjects performed significantly more fluently when working from their passive language into their active language than vice versa.
頁次 103-115
關鍵詞 sight translation pause duration pause frequency pause distribution fluency active language 視譯 停頓長度 停頓頻率 停頓分佈 流暢度 主動語言 被動語言
卷期 1
日期 200607
刊名 SPECTRUM : NCUE Studies in Language, Literature, Translation
出版單位 國立彰化師範大學