

篇名 預防網路沉迷主題課程介入之研究
並列篇名 The Effects of the Internet Addiction Prevention Program
作者 陳麗秋 、董貞吟
中文摘要 本研究目的在發展「預防國中生網路沉迷主題課程」,並了解實施教學介入後對學生網路沉迷知識、拒網自我效能、拒網路沉迷社會支持、網路沉迷行為之影響,以及學生對課程的意見與反應。
二、 實驗組之「網路沉迷知識、拒網路沈迷社會支持、網路沉迷行為」後測得分與對照組未達顯著效果。
英文摘要 The purposes of this study were to assess the effects of the Internet Addiction Prevention Program among the junior high school students, and to understand the feedback from the student of the experimental group.
The study was constructed on a quasi-experimental design, and it sampled seventh graders of 2 schools in Yunlin as subjects. These 154 students were non-randomly assigned to the treatment group (n = 76) and the control group (n = 80). The treatment group received the intervention curriculum of 4 units for 4 weeks, but the control group received the normal curriculum. Before the intervention of one week, both groups took the pre-test. After one-week intervention, these two groups took the post-test in order to know the immediate effects. The data were analyzed
with Percentile Description, Chi-square, and one way ANCOVA. The results of the study were as
1. The immediate effect of self-efficacy to refuse Internet Addiction in the experimental group was significantly better than the effect in the control group.
2. The effects of intervention on knowledge of Internet addiction, social support to refuse Internet addiction and the behavior of Internet addiction in the students of experimental group were not significantly better than those in the control group.
3. Junior high school students felt highly satisfied with the prevention of Internet Addiction Program.
The results of this research could provide some help for the junior high school students to prevent and to apply the related studies.
頁次 047-065
關鍵詞 國中生 網路沉迷 Internet Addiction the junior high school students
卷期 33
日期 201006
刊名 健康促進與衛生教育學報
出版單位 國立臺灣師範大學健康促進與衛生教育學系