

篇名 工作记忆在数学运算过程中的作用
並列篇名 The Role of Working Memory in Mathematical Calculations
作者 连四清 、林崇德
中文摘要 Baddeley和Hitch(1974)提出的工作记忆模型被广泛地应用数学运算领域,但是已有研究还缺乏系统性。首先,当前的研究主要集中在加法和乘法两种运算上,较少涉及减法、除法和更为抽象的代数运算;第二,研究者对语音环路和中央执行系统的作用进行了较深入的研究,但常常忽略视空间模板的作用;第三,工作记忆在数学运算过程中的作用具有动态性,它受到一些外部因素、数学任务内在因素和个体认知因素(如认知策略)的影响;第四,几乎有关研究都肯定中央执行系统在数学运算过程中的重要作用,然而负荷于中央执行系统的次级任务所含成分或功能的复杂性,导致我们很难确定中央执行系统如何作用于数学运算。对这些问题的研究将是未来可能的研究方向。
英文摘要 The vast majority of empirical work on working memory and mathematical calculation had been done within the three-component model proposed by Baddeley, & Hitch(1974). Literatures on the subject were not systematic. Firstly, those reviewed researches were focused on addition and multiplication, and were rarely involved in abstraction, division and more abstract algebra calculations. Secondly, researchers paid more attention to the role of phonological loop and central executive system, and the role of visual-spatial sketch pad were often overlooked. Thirdly, the role of working memory in mathematics calculations would be dynamical, and be changed by external factors, intrinsic factors of math tasks, and individual cognitive factors (e.g. cognitive strategies). Finally, almost all of empirical results suggested that the central executive system play an important role in mathematical calculations, but it was difficult to determine how executive components acted on them because secondary tasks included more executive functions. The adequate solution of these problems will be the direction of future studies.
頁次 36-41
關鍵詞 工作记忆 数学运算 语音环路 视空间模板 中央执行系统 working memory mathematics calculation phonological loop visual spatial sketchpad central executive system
卷期 15:1
日期 200701
刊名 心理科學進展
出版單位 中國科學院心理研究所