

篇名 Constructing Greater Meaning: From Think-aloud to Visual Maps
並列篇名 從有聲思維與概念構圖談國小英語閱讀教學
作者 莊琍玲(Chuang, Li-ling) 、許瓊文(Hsu, .Joanne)
中文摘要 在九年一貫新課程綱要中,國小英語教學偏重於口語能力的訓練,相形之下國小學生在缺乏英語閱讀經驗學習當中,接踵而來可能面對的挑戰是國小學生英語閱讀能力的匱乏。有效率的閱讀在於學習者能將故事或文章的內在與其背景知識作相關連結、並經由與讀文互動的過程中、進而暸解文中之大意與內涵。在閱讀能力的發展其中,如何運用掌握閱讀策略會是有效閱讀的重要關鍵。本文建議在英語教學中,教師可結合語文朗讀與圖像閱讀分析策略活動於英語課程中藉而強化學習者的閱讀能力,經由聽覺與視覺回溯的閱讀過程裡教師不只可以掌控學習者的進度亦可同時瞭解學生學習的成果與英語認知能力的成長。
英文摘要 With the published guidelines of Ministry of Education on Grade 1-9 Integrated English Curriculum focusing on the training of oral skills, the challenge that English teachers most likely have to encounter is that elementary school students may not comprehend reading text fully, though equipped with letter sound decoding skills. Unlike word-for-word interpretation, reading comprehension involves a process of constructing or assigning meaning by words that learners see in text and interact with it. The reading development requires learners to activate their background knowledge and to construct meaning through a transaction with written text. Acquiring reading comprehension strategies is therefore essential to qualify elementary graders as proficient English learners. Employing strategies such as think-alouds with visual maps as an instructional tool, teachers can monitor students’ progress in reading comprehension and assess students’ reading achievement as well as cognitive growth. By teaching language learners to reflect on their thinking processes, elementary school students in Taiwan stand a better chance to become successful English learners.
頁次 127-137
關鍵詞 reading comprehension think-alouds visual maps 閱讀理解 發聲思考 視覺構圖
卷期 1
日期 200607
刊名 SPECTRUM : NCUE Studies in Language, Literature, Translation
出版單位 國立彰化師範大學