

篇名 「通識與專業課程統整」:一所專校護理科的實施模式與敎師改變
並列篇名 Curriculum Integration between General and Specialized Education : The Case of a Nursing Department in a Junior College and Teachers’ Change Involved
作者 洪慧真(Hung, Hui Chen) 、洪志成(Hung, Chih Cheng)
中文摘要 通識教育與專業教育過去多為平行關係,課程設計相互獨立,顯少能有進一步的 聯結與統整。然而當課程改革朝向以培養學生能力為方向後,跨學科或跨領域的課程 統整成為一種可能達成目標的方法。本文旨在探究關懷專校(化名)護理科實施通識 與專業課程統整的模式與其所帶來的教師改變。採質性研究方法,共20位教師為參 與對象,蒐集資料包含焦點團體討論逐字稿、通識與專業課程統整表、教師觀察札記 及非正式訪談記錄等。運用開放編碼分析資料,結果發現學校開展出專業教育融入通 識教育的課程統整,乃經由發展「專業核心能力為導向的課程統整模式」而促成,此 模式透過三種方式實施:護理專業實務情境融入通識課程、強化可統整兩科之單元或 增加特定單元教學時數、發展外加式自由參與的非正式課程等。個案教師則呈現不同 程度的改變,包含:在既有的課程内容中配合統整、運用已具備之能力創新開發新單 元、探索可統整的知識與自主學習教學。最後提出省思及未來可研究議題如:課程統 整所需平等、開放、尊重的氛圍為何?通識與專業課程統整比例調配如何較為適切?
英文摘要 The curriculum design between general education and that of specialized education program tend to separated from each other. When the curriculum reforms in higher education call for competence-oriented, cross-disciplinary integration becomes an useful option. The purpose of this study was to explore the model of the above integration in CaRing Junior College and teachers’ change involved. Based on a qualitative approach, 20 teachers from either general education or specialized education programs participated in this study. Focus group discussion transcripts, integrated-curriculum tables, non-formal interviewing records and observing journals were collected and analyzed with open coding. The results showed that the specialized education integrated into general education was formed by developing “core competence-oriented curriculum integration model” Three versions of above integration were found, including the approach that implemented through added nursing context into general curriculum, an approach of gradually involving nursing topics into original curriculum or added extra teaching hours of specific units, and an approach of developing additional optionally participated extra curriculum. There are three types of teacher change identified, including firstly, teacher coordination within the original curriculum of general education remaining unchanged and with resources available; secondly, by intuitively developing new units which link the topics between general and nursing programs; the lastly, exploring relative knowledge which could be integrated into their curriculum and learning to teach automatically. Finally, through reflections, the study raised some research issues, including what would be an equal, respective and open-minded context like for both departments which are ready to initiate the curriculum integration? To what extent is the best way to balance the two curriculum topics involved in the integration process?
頁次 049-073
關鍵詞 護理專業 通識教育 課程統整 教師改變 nursing profession general education curriculum integration teacher change
卷期 21
日期 201206
刊名 彰化師大教育學報
出版單位 國立彰化師範大學教育研究所