

篇名 智能障礙學生問題行為之調查研究
並列篇名 A Study of Challenging Behaviors of Students with Intellectual Disabilities
作者 林惠芬(Lin, Hui-fen)
中文摘要 本研究係以自編之問題行為量表探討456位智能障礙學生的問題行為出現率與嚴重程度,以及是否會因不同的性別、教育階段以及障礙程度等因素的影響而有不同。量表內容計有七大行為類型,內含二十小項問題行為。問卷填寫者係該班任教的導師。研究結果指出,智能障礙學生的問題行為出現率並不低,至少在百分之二十以上。在二十項問題行為中,「拒絕」、「擅自」和「推人」等三項的出現率是高達百分之五十以上;在七大問題行為類型中,以「反抗行為」的整體出現率最高,達54.95%。在二十項問題行為中,僅有「膽怯」行為的嚴重性較低,其餘的行為均屬嚴重;在七大問題行為類型中,以「怪異行為」的平均得分最高,為4.64。整體而言,相較於性別和教育階段,障礙度對於智能障礙學生問題行為的出現與嚴重性影響較大。
英文摘要 The purpose of this study was to investigate the incidence and seriousness ofchallenging behaviors of 456 students with intellectual disabilities. A self-developedquestionnaire having seven types of challenging behaviors with twenty items was filled outby the special education teachers teaching in elementary and senior high schools.The results indicated that the incidence and seriousness of challenging behaviors ofstudents with intellectual disabilities were as high as considered. Among the twenty items,the item of “rejection of doing assignments”, “doing things on purpose” and “attackingclassmates” respectively had the incidence of more than 50%. The “bizarre behavior” withan average of 4.64 of a 9-Likert scale was the most serious one among the seven types ofchallenging behaviors.Compared with gender and grade, the severity of handicapping condition was the mostimportant variable affecting the incidence and seriousness of challenging behaviors ofstudents with intellectual disabilities.
頁次 1-23
關鍵詞 問題行為 智能障礙者 Challenging behaviors Students with intellectual disabilities
卷期 23
日期 201012
刊名 特殊教育與復健學報
出版單位 國立臺南大學特殊教育學系