

篇名 有效合作学习的教学策略研究
並列篇名 The Research of Teaching Tactics of Effective Cooperative Learning
作者 王鉴 、毛建梅
中文摘要 合作学习正在被中小学教师在教学实践工作中广泛应用,但从当前课堂教学的情况来看,合作学习的使用中还存在着许多问题,主要表现在合作学习的要素不明确、合作学习的形式比较单一、合作学习的具体方法没有被教师和学生所掌握等。有效合作学习的教学就是在教师指导下,学生掌握合作学习的方法与过程,进而在单位时间内有效地完成学习任务的教学。有效合作学习的主要教学策略包括选择合作伙伴与明确责任分工、采用多样化的合作学习形式、进行合作学习方法的有效指导等。
英文摘要 Cooperative learning is widely used in teaching practice by primary and secondary school teachers. In the view of the present situation of teaching class, there still exist some problems, such as the implicitness of cooperative learning elements, the unitary forms of cooperative learning and the non-mastered concrete methods of cooperative learning by teachers and students. Taking science teaching class of primary school for example, this research analyzes these problems of cooperative learning mentioned before in the processes of teaching class, and explains the causes. On the base of the achievement of the research, the author suggests the main tactics of effective cooperative learning, including the selection of partner and the responsibilities, adoption of multiple cooperative learning forms, and the effective instruction of cooperative learning methods.
頁次 28-32
關鍵詞 合作学习 有效教学 教学策略 Cooperative Learning Effective Teaching Teaching Tactics
卷期 7:8
日期 201008
刊名 基礎教育
出版單位 華東師範大學