

篇名 展现与展示:儿童学校生活反思
並列篇名 Appearance and Display:The Reflection of Children’s School Life
作者 周兴国
中文摘要 展现是儿童在由教育者和受教育者共同组成的群体中自我表现自己;展示则是学校因儿童在教育生活中的表现而使其显现在他者面前。展示是以儿童展现、他者的存在、空间及某种标示为条件。展示的消极意义在于,它在昭示着同一性要求的同时,却极大地扼杀了儿童发展的个性与多样性。当展示在现有的条件下无法消除时,减少其消极影响的出路在于改变展示的方式,使其有利于儿童的个性发展。
英文摘要 Appearance is self-expression of the children who would be seen by others in educated people and educator groups. Display is the demonstration in the public education life of children who are displayed in front of others. Display is under the condition of children’s appearance, others existence, space and some mark. The negative significance of display is that it shows the identity requirements at the same time, but extremely stifles the development of the child’s personality and diversity. When display can’t be eliminated in the existing conditions, the way that we reduce its negative impact is to change the display mode, which can maket it beneficial for the children’s personality development.
頁次 26-30
關鍵詞 儿童 展现 展示 学校生活 Children Appearance Display School Life
卷期 7:4
日期 201004
刊名 基礎教育
出版單位 華東師範大學