

篇名 職場老化的因應策略:中高齡者能力移轉的實施
並列篇名 Strategies for Dealing with Aging in the Workplace: The Generational Transfer of Middle-Aged and Senior Workers' Knowledge and Abilities
作者 李雅慧 、葉俊廷
中文摘要 本文主要凸顯企業組織在職場老化的衝擊下,實施能力移轉的必要性。研究目的包括:探討我國國營事業中高齡者的意涵、了解職場老化對國營事業的影響並探究國營事業能力移轉的實施方式與效益。本研究以國內老化程度最高的國營事業作為研究對象,並以半結構式訪談針對四個企業、八位人力資源管理者進行訪談。研究結果可歸納出四個結論:一、國營事業以多元的觀點來界定職場中高齡者的年齡意涵;二、職場老化影響國營事業人力資源的發展;三、國營事業以傳統與創新兩者並存的方式進行能力移轉;四、國營事業實施能力移轉的效益包括:節省訓練費用、增進工作表現、協助任務完成以及促進能力保存。
英文摘要 This paper demonstrates the necessity of carrying out the transfer of abilities from one generation of worker to another due to the impact of aging in the workplace. This research is conducted in relation to the contexts of: Exploring the definitions of middle-aged/senior workers in government enterprises; understanding the impact of aging manpower on government enterprises; and examining the methods and benefits of carrying out competence transfer in government enterprises. The four conclusions are summarized as follows: The definitions of middle-aged and senior workers in government enterprises are diverse; the development of human resources of the government enterprises is influenced by the problems of aging; both traditional and innovative methods for competence transfer coexist in the government enterprises; and finally, the benefits of competence transfer in public corporations include the reduction of training expenses, the enhancement of work performance, increased job completion rates, and the promotion of competence conservation.
頁次 89-127
關鍵詞 職場老化 中高齡者 能力移轉 aging in the workplace middle-aged and senior workers competence transfer
卷期 9:2
日期 201012
刊名 中正教育研究
出版單位 國立中正大學教育學院