

篇名 公益海報圖地並置的錯視圖像分析與研究
並列篇名 The Studies and Analysis of the Coexistence of Reversible, Positive, Negative Space and the Applications to the Fields of Public Welfare Poster
作者 蔡奇睿(Tsai, Chi-jui)
中文摘要 海報中存有明顯圖地互換、並置表現的案例,相對於其它的創意方式而言,案例的數量為數並不多,有此種圖地互存、互換的表現,常可發現其創意的特殊性與趣味性,而有別於一般的表現方式,這種以兩個圖像編碼安置在圖地關係上,使用兩種圖像元素來傳遞訊息,兩種圖像元素透過符號意義的轉換及建構,非常有趣、巧妙的呈現出互存、互換的並置關係。此兩種圖像或視覺元素與符號內涵隱喻之間,必定存在某種對應的關聯性,為此促使了本研究與主題的深入探討。
英文摘要 There is not too many examples to show the relationship between image and space, or the positive and negative space arrangement on poster design. Whenever it shows this kind of relationship, it always conveys a special feature, and creativity of coexistent and interchangeable space and image relationship, other than the ordinary presentation. Using two image codes and elements to place on the same plane, to communicate the information
within as well as to exchange the meaning of symbols through the construction of signs,notes or symbols. Interestingly, it shows the co-existence and exchangeable relationship side by side. Between those two images and visual elements must convey some interesting phenomena and metaphor; which pushes me to study the topic.The research will be divided into five parts as follows: 1) The Reasons of the Research2) The Construction of Visual Image and Symbol or Sign Theory 3) The Studies of Positive and Negative Space Relationship as well as Image and Space Relationship4) The Studies and Analysis of Image Construction on Poster Designs as Examples5) Conclusion of Research In connection with poster designs as examples, the methods of Content Analysis and Semiology will be used to study the negative and positive space relationship as well as
the image and space relationship. In order to realize the category and formation of visual image with its appearance feature and inner meaning, to analyze and to disassemble the note, sign or symbol to understand the extended and connotation meaning is necessary. To understand the meaning of signs or symbols and their implication, as well as their connection and association, it is required to extract their creative elements, construction method and to studies the transformation of image, and the creative elements of image codes or meaning.From the viewpoint of symbol analogy and symbol metaphor to explain the correspondence and attribute of figure and ground in the playbill image﹐the results shows that the picture of figure and ground in the poster has certain corresponding relationship on creative design application and has some connection between similarity and analogy﹒The designer can use this similar theory to think over the creative design of poster.
頁次 083-109
關鍵詞 公益海報 圖地關係 圖像 符號 Public welfare poster Reversible figure Image Symbol
卷期 3:2
日期 201010
刊名 藝術研究學報
出版單位 國立臺南大學