

篇名 儿童空间再定向的几何模块论及其局限
並列篇名 The Module Theory of Children's Spatial Reorientation and Its Limitation
作者 邬德利 、李富洪 、孙弘进 、李红
中文摘要 儿童的空间再定向指的是迷失方向的儿童在空间中重新确定自己方位并找回被藏物体的能力。儿童的这一能力与某些低等哺乳动物(如大鼠)相似,都只能利用空间环境所构成的几何信息,不能利用非几何信息来再定向。几何模块论认为造成这一现象的原因是儿童与低等哺乳动物的认知系统里存在几何模块。然而,众多研究对这种简单化的观点提出了异议。针对这些异议,几何模块论又进行了新的修订。
英文摘要 Children's spatial reorientation was the ability of reorienting themselves and finding the hidden object after disorientation. This ability was similar to that of some nonhuman mammals (such as rats), all could only reorient in accord with the geometric information provided by the spatial environment, but could not reorient in accord with nongeometric information. The theory of geometric model insisted that it was some kind of geometric module in the cognition system of children and nonhuman mammals caused this phenomenon. However, many researches have put forward doubts that this viewpoint was too simple. Armed at these doubts, the theory of geometric module has been enriched and developed.
頁次 319-325
關鍵詞 儿童 空间再定向 几何信息 模块 children spatial reorientation geometric information module
卷期 15:2
日期 200703
刊名 心理科學進展
出版單位 中國科學院心理研究所