

篇名 史提夫˙賈伯斯之習慣領域深智慧解析
並列篇名 Analysis of Steve Jobs by Principles for Deep Knowledge of Habitual Domains
作者 林明宏(Lin, Ming-hung) 、林威廷(Lin, Wei Ting) 、黃美華(Huang, Mei Hua)
中文摘要 本文採用質性個案研究,蒐集歸納賈伯斯的相關文獻資料,分析賈伯斯的生命歷程如何影響他的人格心理與經營策略,再以習慣領域理論中的九個深度智慧原理為架構來加以解析,從而瞭解其豐富之習慣領域。本研究發現,賈伯斯擁有的九個深智慧能力集合,具備克制力、機動性、包容性、宏觀視野、洞察力、整合力、組織力、反向思考、果斷、專注力與直覺能力。
英文摘要 In this paper, a qualitative -- case study -- research method was used. We analyzed Steve Jobs’ life experiences and explored how these experiences had influenced his personality and working philosophy by gathering related literature. Additionally, we used principles for deep knowledge of Habitual Domains as the research framework to understand the wealthy Habitual Domains of Steve Jobs. The results found that Steve Jobs indeed had the competence sets of nine principles for deep knowledge, including abilities of self-control, mobility, toleration, wild vision, perspicacity, coordination, organizing, contradiction, determination, concentration, and awareness.
頁次 087-099
關鍵詞 習慣領域 深智慧原理 賈伯斯 科技 Habitual Domains Principles for Deep knowledge Steve Jobs Technology
卷期 3:2
日期 201206
刊名 習慣領域期刊
出版單位 國立交通大學資管所習慣領域研究室、社團法人中華民國習慣領域學會