

篇名 國中智能障礙學生自我決策能力現況暨影響因素及支持情形之調查研究
並列篇名 Investigation of the Self-Determination Competency and Its Associated Contributing Factors and Supportive Status for Junior High School Students with Intellectual Disabilities
作者 陳韻婷(Chen, Yun-ting) 、趙本強(Chao, Pen-chiang)
中文摘要 本研究旨在調查國中智能障礙學生之自我決策能力現況及影響其能力高低之因素,另亦評估教師與家長對學生能力發展所提供之支持情形,及此支持與學生能力之相關及對能力之預測情形。研究以立意取樣方式從北部某縣11所國中選取不同障礙程度之智能障礙學生(n=100)、普通班非身心障礙學生(n=100)、特教教師(n=50)及智能障礙學生家長(n=100)共350名為研究對象。參與者按其身份填寫本研究自編之「國中學生自我決策量表」學生、教師或家長版以評估智能障礙學生在自我瞭解、心理賦權、自我調整及獨立自主等四個向度及整體的自我決策能力。使用的資料分析方法包括描述統計、相關分析、變異數分析及迴歸分析。研究結果顯示,國中
英文摘要 The major purposes of this study were to (a) investigate the level of self-determination competency of junior high school students with intellectual disabilities (ID), (b) identify factors that affect the development of student competency, (c) examine the level of support provided by teachers and parents, (d) analyze the correlation between the level of self-determination competency and level of support received, and (e) examine how well the level of support received in predicting self-determination competency. Subjects included students with ID (n=100), students without disabilities (n=100), special education teachers (n=100), and parents (n=50) of students with ID. Students were recruited from eleven public junior high schools. All participants were required to complete a self-determination scale including three versions designed for students, teachers and, parents respectively. Data collected were analyzed using descriptive statistics, Pearson correlations, analyses of variance, and regression. Findings showed that students with ID in junior high school demonstrated the medium level of selfdetermination competency and scored significantly lower than their peers without disabilities.
The factors that affect the level of the self-determination competency of students with ID included student gender, severity of disability, current placement status, placement status in elementary school, socioeconomic status, family structure, family living style, and parental rearing philosophy. Although the background experiences and demographic factors associated with teachers did not affect the self-determination competency of students with ID, there was a highly positive correlation between the level of student competency and the level of support provided by teachers. However, students with ID merely received medium level of support from their teachers as well as parents. Additionally, teacher and parent support is a good predictor of students´ self-determination competency. Suggestions were further provided for special education teachers, parents, as well as prospective researchers.
頁次 81-105
關鍵詞 調查研究 自我決策 國中智能障礙學生 survey research self-determination junior high school students with intellectual disabilities
卷期 24
日期 201106
刊名 特殊教育與復健學報
出版單位 國立臺南大學特殊教育學系