

篇名 略论英国中小学课程改革及其对我国的启示
並列篇名 On the Curriculum Reform of English Basic Education and its Implication to Us
作者 毛齐明
中文摘要 英国2007年开始的课程改革针对国家控制较强、职业化倾向明显、标准过于繁琐等弊端,进行了面向新世纪的改革。它着眼于提高课程弹性,提出了使学生成为成功的学习者等目标,并力图以策略性评价来促进学生个性化发展。这些改革对于我国目前正处于反思和推广阶段的课程改革具有一定的借鉴意义,包括课程目标要适当具体化,课程管理要有更大的弹性,课程实施要[放]、要[活],课程评价要宽容,课程内容要适当加强职业倾向等。
英文摘要 The 2007 Curriculum Reform in England tries to change the tendency of state-control, vocation and detailed prescription of the former national curriculum. It focuses on improving the flexibility of the curriculum, promoting successful learners, enhancing students' personalization through strategic assessment. It enlightens Chinese curriculum reform and helps us to improve our aim, teaching and classroom evaluation. Its implication to us includes(1)the curriculum aims should be more specific.(2)the curriculum management should be more flexible.(3)the curriculum implementation should be more ‘active'.(4)the curriculum should be more open.(5)the curriculum content should be more vocational.
頁次 60-63
關鍵詞 英国课程改革 启示 English Curriculum reform implication
卷期 6:11
日期 200911
刊名 基礎教育
出版單位 華東師範大學