

篇名 非侵入性檢查之醫病溝通與病患滿意度關係及其相關因素之探討
並列篇名 Relationship between Physician-Patient Communication and Patient Satisfaction among Patients Receiving Noninvasive Examination
作者 廖婕妤 、鄭廷瑋 、葉怡君 、陳凱倫 、林于荻 、陳龍
中文摘要 良好的醫病互動以及有效的醫病溝通可以提高病人或家屬的滿意度。故本研究欲瞭解醫病間的溝通行為與病患滿意度之評價,並探討相關之影響因素。本研究為橫斷性調查,採立意抽樣,透過結構式問卷收集相關資訊。其收案期間為 2009 年 3 月中旬至 4 月底,以台北縣某醫學中心接受頸動脈超音波患者為研究對象,有效問卷共 252人。研究結果顯示出,醫病間之溝通行為與病患滿意度尚有改進之空間。在病患對醫病溝通評價中,結果發現不同開單醫師年資,在醫病溝通評價上具有統計顯著差異,開單醫師年資6-10年之醫師,其醫病溝通評價分數顯著高於5年以下以及11年以上之醫師。在病患滿意度方面,女性對於檢查之評價較為滿意,開單醫師年資不同,其病患滿意度亦具統計顯著差異,其中開單醫師年資在6-10年,其醫病溝通評價分數顯著高於5年以下以及11年以上之醫師。在控制其他干擾因素後,醫病溝通評價與病患滿意度之統計上具有顯著正相關性,代表病患對於開單醫師溝通評價與檢查人員溝通評價會影響病患滿意度的狀況,然而病患對於其自主溝通評價,則不會影響其對於滿意度之評價。未來應深入探究年資與滿意度的相關性並針對資淺及資深的醫師加強醫病溝通的訓練,以改善病患的滿意度。
英文摘要 "A healthy physician-patient interaction and effective physician-patient communication can improve the patient’s satisfaction. This study aimed to examine physician-patient communication and investigate the relationship between physicianpatient communication and patient satisfaction among patients who had received carotid duplex examination. Data were collected with purposive sampling of participants who had received carotid duplex examination at a medical center in Taipei during March and April in 2009. This was a cross-sectional study using structured questionnaires. During the study period, 252 valid samples were collected. Physician-patient communication and patient satisfaction still have room for improvement. Prescribing physicians with 6–10 years of experience received a better score in physician-patient communication than did the other 2 groups of physicians (those with less than 5 years and more than
11 years of experience). Among patients, women had a higher patient satisfaction in the examination process. There was a significant difference in patient satisfaction regarding physician-patient communication according to the seniority of the prescribing physicians, and physicians with 6–10 years of experience had the best result. After controlling the possible interfering factors, physician-patient communication and patient satisfaction had a significant positive correlation. This means that the patients' appraisal of their communication with the prescribing physicians and the examiners has a direct effect on patient satisfaction. However, there was no significant effect on patient self-communication and satisfaction appraisal. Noninvasive examination differs from invasive examination, because a patient is required to provide informed consent before an invasive examination. The results of our study show that the seniority of the prescribing physician and the examiner has a significant effect on patient satisfaction. Further    investigation and communication training for junior and senior prescribing physicians is required to improve patient satisfaction regarding noninvasive examination."
頁次 049-065
關鍵詞 非侵入性檢查 滿意度 醫病溝通 noninvasive examination physician-patient communication satisfaction
卷期 35
日期 201106
刊名 健康促進與衛生教育學報
出版單位 國立臺灣師範大學健康促進與衛生教育學系