

篇名 台灣高等教育公平議題之民意調查研究
並列篇名 A Survey on Equity Issues of Higher Education in Taiwan
作者 劉秀曦;黃家凱
中文摘要 1980年代以後,各先進國家高等教育多由菁英型轉向大眾化甚至普及化發展,我國亦然。高等教育擴張雖提供國人更多接受高等教育的機會,但高等教育公平程度是否伴隨著數量擴充而提升,成為各界關注的新議題。本研究旨在瞭解社會大眾對於高等教育公平與相關教育政策方案執行成效的看法,以做為政府未來相關政策規劃與改進的參考。為達研究目的,本研究以高等教育公平議題進行民意調查。首先根據文獻探討、文件分析、專家諮詢座談會議發展出包含大學彈性學雜費方案與大學多元入學方案等議題之民意調查問卷,其次透過電話訪問調查,以居住台閩地區(包括台灣本島及離島澎湖、連江、金門三縣)且年滿20歲之受訪民眾為對象進行抽樣調查。最後根據研究發現提出兩項建議供主管機關參考,其一,就大學彈性學費政策而言,政府應建置更為整全的助學系統;其二,就大學多元入學方案而言,政府應規劃更為具體的扶弱措施。
英文摘要 Higher education have been expanded rapidly in many advanced countries, and transformed from the traditional pattern of the “elite” , to a “mass”, or even an “universal” pattern since 1980s. This expansion has provided the public with more opportunities to enter higher education in Taiwan, but whether such expansion has promoted the equity of higher education remains questionable with great concern. The main goal of this study is to offer valuable empirical findings for higher education decision-making in Taiwan. The methods of this study include literature review, document analysis, experts' consultative meeting. The questionnaire has modified primarily according to the consultative suggestions from the experts. Besides, representative samples of adult population were surveyed regarding their views and attitudes toward equity issues of higher education. One thousand and seventy one interviewees who are 20 years old or above were randomly sampled by CATI (computer-assisted telephone interviewing) according to the population percentage of counties. The results of this study show that the government still needs to face the challenge of achieving equity in higher education and there is still plenty of room for improvement in the future policy-making of higher education. Therefore, it is necessary to re-examine financial aid programs and the mechanism of educational selection for disadvantaged students.
頁次 001-038
關鍵詞 民意調查;多元入學;高等教育;教育公平;學雜費;telephone interviewing survey;system of diversified university admissions;higher education;educational equity;tuition fee
卷期 7:1
日期 201206
刊名 高等教育
出版單位 台灣高等教育學會