

篇名 法國非正規學習成就認證之演進及其對台灣的啟示
並列篇名 The Evolution of the Accreditation of Prior Learning in France and its Implication to Taiwan
作者 李雅慧
中文摘要 法國於1934年便開始實施非正規學習成就認證,本文藉由探討法國非正規學習成就認證的措施,以其獲致對台灣進行非正規教育認證措施之啟示。主要內容包括分析由法國政府所頒布的三個非正規學習成就認證法令,探討法令中的重要內涵,包括:大學內認證組織的組成、認證委員的角色、認證委員所做成的決定、輔諮者的角色、申請者的條件、申請者的準備等面向,並針對法國認證的實施情況以及在認證過程中所面臨的問題予以評論。由於我國的非正規教育認證於2006年開始實施,目前仍屬於起步階段,不論在現行的認證辦法以及認證措施的施行仍存在許多爭議,藉由探討法國非正規學習成就認證的經驗,以有助於提出對台灣非正規教育認證之措施以及現存問題適切之建議。
英文摘要 The accreditation of prior learning had been conducted since 1934 in France. The aim of the study is to gain inspirations to the non-formal education accreditation in Taiwan through the exploration of the decree analysis, the progress evolution, and the relative experiences of the accreditation of prior learning in France. On the basis of addressing three essential legislative texts promulgated by French government, the content including the composition of the accreditation organization in the university, the role of the committee members for the accreditation, the decisions made by the committee members, the role of the accompanists, the requirements of the candidates, the preparation of the candidates is analyzed. Furthermore, the comments related to the practice of the accreditation of prior learning along with its corresponding problems in French are given in this study. Since the non-formal education accreditation in Taiwan was carried out from 2006, it is currently still in the initial stage. Some debates exist both in present legislative texts and in practices. We propose the adequate suggestions by presenting French experience in its implementation of the accreditation of prior learning.
頁次 85-111
關鍵詞 accreditation of prior learning in France non-formal education accreditation 法國非正規學習認證 非正規教育認證
卷期 7:1
日期 200806
刊名 中正教育研究
出版單位 國立中正大學教育學院