

篇名 重新檢視澳洲貿易取向國際化發展及其對國內高等教育輸出之啟示
並列篇名 Re-examining the Development of Trade-driven Internationalization in Australia and Its Implications for Export of Higher Education in Taiwan
作者 姜麗娟
中文摘要 儘管澳洲貿易取向國際化的相關文獻已非常充沛,但鮮少以高等教育國際化與高等教育機構變革的關係為分析觀點。本文以訪談與文件分析之實證研究為基礎,從高等教育國際化與機構變革間關係及脈絡發展,重新檢視澳洲貿易取向的國際化發展。主要研究發現:一、要了解澳洲目前貿易取向國際化的成就,就必須了解自1950年代以援助開始的可倫坡計畫,為澳洲高等教育在亞太區域取得的地位及影響力,並為日後澳洲高等教育輸出鋪路;二、目前貿易取向的國際化發展,已使澳洲高等教育機構產生變革,並使原本緩慢發展的高等教育國際化得以快速推動;三、澳洲貿易取向國際化發展結果,雖在機構層面回應Knight高等教育國際化定義的「歷程說」,但在系所及學術個人層次仍未明顯;四、要從澳洲的成就學習教育輸出,必須先了解澳洲的相關脈絡與配合條件,而非政策或作法的仿效。最後,依據研究結果,重新檢視澳洲個案對國內高等教育輸出的啟示。
英文摘要 The literature regarding the development of trade-driven internationalization in Australia was rich but lack of an analytical perspective from the relationship between the internationalization of higher education and change of higher education. The study, based on empirical study of interviews and documentary analysis, aims to re-examine the development of trade-driven internationalization in Australia through the view of the relationship between the internationalization of higher education and change of higher education and contextual analysis. The main findings include: 1. The achievements derived from the aiddriven Colombo Plan since 1950 should be first understood in facilitating Australia in developing trade-driven inter-nationalization through gaining the key position and influence in the Asian Pacific region. 2. The development of trade-driven internationalization in Australia initiated the change of higher education, and made development of other aspects of internationalization quickly. 3. The development of trade-driven internationalization in Australia responded to the integrated process of internationalization defined by Knight in terms of institutional level, instead of basic units and academic level. 4. Learning from the Australian experience to export education, the context and conditions inherent in the experience, not policy or practices to copy, should be taken into account. Finally, based on the findings, the implications for Taiwan to export higher education were re-examined.
頁次 1-33
關鍵詞 高等教育國際化 貿易取向國際化 澳洲 變革 internationalization of higher education trade-driven internationalization Australia change
卷期 5:2
日期 201012
刊名 高等教育
出版單位 台灣高等教育學會