

篇名 非理性行為與習慣領域
並列篇名 Irrational Behaviour and Habitual Domains
作者 鄭保村(Jeng, Bao-tsuen)
中文摘要 本文旨在探究非理性(經濟)行為與習慣領域會通之處,並試以二者論點引申超越「有限理性」及導正「非理性」行為之道。由於人類心理活動-思維、認知評估(cognitive evaluation)、情感(feelings)、意志力與自我評價(self-evaluation)在在影響判斷及決策;但感知、思維、意志都是受限的,因此判斷及決策難免產生偏誤,且受偏頗的情緒與自我評價影響。許多非理性(irrational)行為與「習慣領域」(Habitual Domains)學說相通,如直斷或捷思偏誤(heuristic bias)-代表性(representativeness)、易取性(availability)、定錨效應(anchoring)是最小阻力原則及印象概推的表現;從眾效應(Bandwagon effect)是最小阻力原則及責任擴散的反應;經驗效應(experience effect)是潛在領域(potential domains)、電網(circuit pattern)、類推聯想的呈現;自制力不足則攸關目標建立、注意力調度及情況評估。自我評價是同類互比、潛在領域的作用。正常人雖都會有非理性行為,但由習慣領域學說可以找到減低非理性行為的方法:第一,經由內省與自覺、知悉自己的習慣領域、養成全面思考,可以對治捷思偏誤;第二,以空無原理、養成歸零思考的習慣、做整體評估,可以避免落入框架效應(framework effect)及慣性思維(inertia of thinking)的陷阱中;第三,凡事作縝密的構思與評估,並以自己是全責主人、萬事助長的自我期許避免落入有限情緒的窟窿中;第四,建立高度明確的目標,並全力知行、做全責主人,以克服有限意志;第五,以萬事助長,人具無限潛能的觀念、人也是無價之寶,建立正確的自我評價。
英文摘要 This paper will discuss the connection between the irrational (economic) behavior theory and the habitual domains theory. Through the discussion, the paper will further propose methods that can transcend the “bounded rationality” and correct “irrational” behaviors.Psychological activities of one person, such as thought, cognitive evaluation, feeling, willpower and self-evaluation, have great influences on his or her decision. That is to say, cognition, thought and will have limitation, so one person’s decision is often biased by his or her own feelings and self-evaluations.
With regard to the aforementioned bias and limitation of a decision, we may find in the habitual domain theory the reason of such irrational behaviors described by the irrational behavior theory. For instance, the heuristic bias, such as the representativeness heuristic, the availability heuristic and the anchoring effect, results from the principle of least resistance and the halo effect. The bandwagon effect reflects the principle of least resistance and the diffusion of responsibility. The experience effect is related to the result of the potential domain, the circuit pattern and the analogy association. The insufficiency of self-control is influenced by the goal establishment, the attention allocation and the condition assessment. The self- evaluation is the effect of the social comparison and the potential domain.Thus, solutions to these irrational behaviors can further be proposed from the perspective of the habitual domain theory. First, to be aware of our own habitual behaviors through self-reflection and to learn to think comprehensively can help reduce our heuristic bias. Second, to learn to think from the scratch on the basis of the void principle and to make a comprehensive evaluation can help us not to fall into the trap of the framework effect and the inertia of thinking. Third, to do things with meticulous design and evaluation, to be fully responsible for our own conducts and to learn to positively regard difficulties as good lessons for our development can help us avoid the bounded emotion. Fourth, to set up a clear goal, to devote ourselves and to take full responsibility can overcome bounded willpower. Fifth, to positively regard difficulties as lessons, to believe our unlimited potentials and to understand the invaluable meaning as a human being can help constitute ourselves with a correct self evaluation.
頁次 011-035
關鍵詞 非理性行為 習慣領域 有限理性 無限潛能 irrational behaviour Habitual Domains bounded rationality unlimited potential
卷期 3:2
日期 201206
刊名 習慣領域期刊
出版單位 國立交通大學資管所習慣領域研究室、社團法人中華民國習慣領域學會