

篇名 以内涵发展均衡配置县域中小学师资--基于教研成果资源共享的思考
並列篇名 Balancing the distribution of the teachers in the counties of China by connotation development--thought based on resource share of teaching research fruit
作者 常彦
中文摘要 西部中小学由于地处贫困地区,其教育教学质量较低,教师素质普遍较差。教师们教研意识不强、能力水平较低。正因为缺少教研意识和行动,教师水平得不到有效提高,长此以往,形成恶性循环。根据现实,建立一种教研成果资源共享平台,将区域内中小学优秀教研成果公开展示,相互学习、取长补短、共同提高,是提升西部中小学教师自身素质和教研水平的有效措施。
英文摘要 Elemental and secondary schools of west in China are located in the poor areas and their teaching quality is poor. The teachers’ quality is poor in total. They have almost no awareness of teaching research and have low ability. Because of lack of teaching research and practice, their ability can’t be improved efficiently. For a long time, it forms a bad circulation. According to the reality, founding a platform for sharing the teaching research fruit, showing the teaching research fruit in public and letting the teachers learn from one anther to improve their teaching ability are ways to improve their teaching and researching ability.
頁次 6-8
關鍵詞 西部中小学 教研成果 资源共享 Elemental and secondary schools in the west of China teaching research fruit resources share
卷期 6:8
日期 200908
刊名 基礎教育
出版單位 華東師範大學