

篇名 受众卷入及其对广告传播效果的影响
並列篇名 Involvement and its Impact upon the Communication Effects of Advertising
作者 金志成 、周象贤
中文摘要 卷入(involvement)概念在市场研究中得到了极为广泛的关注,特别是在广告心理领域更是备受重视。研究发现,卷入常常影响广告的传播效果,制约着广告自身特点、插播环境、受众主体特征等作用的发挥。同时,学者们围绕这一概念构建了卷入的四水平说、加工深度模型、精细加工可能性模型、FCB网格、Rossiter-Percy网格等诸多理论模型。文章对相关研究进行了较系统的考察,并提出了现有研究依然存在的一些问题,如生态效度偏低、研究方法单一、相关的自动加工研究不够等。
英文摘要 The concept of involvement receives widespread attention in domains of marketing, particularly in those of advertising. It is found that involvement not only influences the communication effects of advertising but also restricts the functions of the factors of advertising, such as its own features, its broadcasting context and its attraction on the target audience. Researchers have put forward some theoretical models about the concept of involvement (e.g. Four Levels of Involvement, the Elaboration Likelihood Model, FCB Grid, Rossiter-Percy Grid, etc.). After a study of the relevant researches, a systematic discussion is provided about some problems that should receive more consideration. That is, the external validity is a bit lower, various research methods should be tried, and a deeper examination into the automatic processing of advertisement information is needed.
頁次 154-162
關鍵詞 卷入 精细加工可能性模型 FCB网格模型 传播效果 involvement the Elaboration Likelihood Model FCB Grid communication effects
卷期 15:1
日期 200701
刊名 心理科學進展
出版單位 中國科學院心理研究所