

篇名 美國統整式倫理教育之探討
並列篇名 An Investigation of American Integrative Ethical Education
作者 詹允文
中文摘要 美國認知取向品格教育學者批判Kohlberg現象主義原則扭曲並窄化道德運作在心理邏輯上的解釋。如Narvaez等主張道德運作應是非意識的自動化行為,且應將探究焦點從道德判斷轉移至道德行動者本身及社群。立基於生手至專家的發展觀點,認知取向的統整式倫理教育(IEE)根據Rest的倫理敏知度、倫理判斷、倫理聚焦/動機、倫理行動四個元素發展出28項倫理技能,做為教導兒童成為道德專家所需的技能。明尼蘇達的社群聲音及品格教育方案(CVCE)為IEE首次大規模施行之方案,施行成功的學校有將IEE轉化為符合學校社群需求的課程、全校參與凝聚共識、研究團隊與學校教師共同合作等特點。根據對IEE與CVCE之探討,本文從目的、內涵、實施與評鑑四方面提出對台灣中小學推動品德教育四點建議:一、倫理技能可做為學校訂立核心價值之參考,學校應建構社群為本的品格校園;二、倫理教學四層次提供教師規劃倫理知識教案之架構,倫理技能與德行教育可相輔相成;三、學校可與學術機構合作強化理論與實務的結合,並結合社區資源推行實作活動;四、品德教育評鑑應考量學生觀點,績優學校選拔應有審查委員進入教學現場進行評鑑。
英文摘要 Scholars of cognitive character educational approaches criticize that Kohlberg’s principle of phenomenalism truncates psychological explanation of moral functioning. They claim that moral functioning is an automatically nonconscious behavior and the target of moral inquiry should be changed from judgment to subject and community. To realize how Integrative Ethical Education (IEE), the moral expert model, works and can be applied to Taiwanese context, this article attempts to explore IEE and Minnesota’s Community Voices and Character Education Projects (CVCE). Results show that successful schools in CVCE have three characteristics in common. They successfully fit IEE into formal curriculum. Staffs and students participate in IEE with shared consciousness. Researchers and teachers in core teams cooperative positively. Four implications for schools in Taiwan can be drawn from this study. Firstly, ethical skills as core values are feasible for schools. In addition, school staff should construct a community-based character environment for students. Secondly, ethical skills provide useful framework for teachers to design their teaching plans. Thirdly, to strengthen combination between theory and practice, schools are encouraged to cooperate with research institutes. Fourthly, students’ opinions should be an evaluative indicator of character education. In addition, examiners of character school should do practical evaluation in school fields.
頁次 53-88
關鍵詞 品格 專家模式 倫理四元素 倫理技能 統整式倫理教育 character, expert model, four ethical elements, ethical skills, Integrative Ethical Education
卷期 68
日期 201005
刊名 比較教育
出版單位 中華民國比較教育學會