

篇名 高校教师绩效评价体系研究
作者 王兰
中文摘要 教师绩效评价体系是高等教育事业发展的重要保障,也是了解教师工作状况、评价教师教学成果的主要手段。我国高校教师绩效评价体系的内容和标准未能全面反映高校对教师素质的要求,存在教师对绩效评价的宗旨不理解、绩效评价主体缺乏培训和监督、绩效评价指针不全面,导向有偏差等问题。高校教师评价体系的完善应坚持以教师发展为本的评价理念,完善评价指针体系,重视评价的反馈环节。
英文摘要 Evaluation of teachers’ performance not only ensures the improvement of the educational quality but also provides a good method to keep track of teachers’ working conditions and their performance. The college teacher performance evaluation system does not fully reflect the contents and standards of teacher quality requirements of colleges and universities, there are teachers do not understand the purpose of performance evaluation, performance evaluation of the main lack of training and supervision, performance evaluation index is not comprehensive and has its bias and other issues. Improve the evaluation system of university teachers should adhere to the evaluation of teacher development--oriented concept, improve the evaluation index system, attach importance to evaluate the feedback link.
頁次 74-75
關鍵詞 高校教师 绩效评价 研究 University instructors Performance evaluation Research
卷期 411
日期 201002
刊名 中外教育研究
出版單位 中外教育研究編輯部