

篇名 民族地區地方課程建構的基本理念與實踐策略
並列篇名 Idea and Strategy of Local Curriculum Construction in Minority Region in China Wangqiaoling
作者 王巧玲
中文摘要 民族地區地方課程建構的基本理念應是:地方課程建構為實現少數民族文化傳承與發展服務。其要點有:地方課程建構為尊重當地居民發展需求和根本利益服務;地方課程建構為在保護少數民族文化基礎上實現「適應性」創新服務;地方課程建構為著力激發當地居民的文化自覺服務。民族地區地方課程的開發模式應是「綜合性課程」開發模式。民族地區地方課程內容的文化選擇標準應是:注重少數民族文化的整體性、凸顯少數民族文化特質、適時體現世界多元文化、追逐少數民族文化的時代發展。
英文摘要 Three basic ideas of local curriculum construction in minority region are put forward: Local curriculum construction should service for the development of ethnic minorities’ traditional culture; Model of local curriculum development should be “Integrated” development model; The cultural choice of local curriculum should pay special attention to cultural traits & integrity of culture & diversification & modern features. Three practice strategies of local curriculum construction in minority region include as follows: Special view of the logical construction is value of sustainable development; Experienced curriculum is put into practice; Equal stress was laid on the objects of value and behavior.
頁次 113-127
關鍵詞 construction local curriculum minority region 民族地區 地方課程 建構
卷期 4:2
日期 200903
刊名 課程研究
出版單位 高等教育文化事業有限公司