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篇名 國小資源班跨領域教學之表演藝術融入國語文課程實務分享
並列篇名 A Practical Sharing on Interdisciplinary Teaching of Performing Arts Curriculum Integrated into Mandarin Curriculum in the Resource Room of an Elementary School
作者 鄧兆軒(Chao-Hsuan Teng) 、莊萱琳(Hsuan-Lin Chuang) 、閔宸毅(Chen-Yi Min) 、唐光榆(Kuang-Yu Tang) 、呂怡倩(Yi-chien Lu) 、林佳宜(Jia-Yi Lin) 、黃嘉語(Jia-Yu Huang)
中文摘要 十二年課綱中核心素養為自主行動、溝通互動及社會參與,本文分享新北市莒光國民小學資源班教師團隊,開發「表演藝術融入國語文」課程的歷程,乃欲符合學生能力和需求,並以課綱精神進行跨領域教學,為使孩子未來在真實生活當中,可以整合不同的能力來解決因應即將面臨的問題與挑戰,讓學生學到更整體應用的知識。課程主題由校園、家庭、社區情境出發,透過劇本對白、歌詞創作、採訪撰稿、道具製作等增進學習知能,並透過演出發表進行自我倡議和社區關懷。
英文摘要 The concept of core competencies in 12-Year Basic Education emphasizes spontaneity, communication and interaction, and social participation. In this article, the resource class teachers at Juguang Elementary School in New Taipei City share the development of the Using Performing Arts in Learning Mandarin Language curriculum. By applying Interdisciplinary Teaching to the curriculum, children can integrate different capabilities to solve upcoming problems and challenges. Also, the curriculum designed by resource class teachers aims to match the students’ abilities and needs. The curriculum’s theme is based on the concepts of school, family and community scenarios. The curriculum is designed in the hope of improving certain learning skills, including conversation scripts, lyrics creation, and creative interviewing. It is also hoped that, through dramatic performance, teachers may inspire students’ self-advocacy and a sense of community care.
頁次 037-046
關鍵詞 跨領域教學 表演藝術課程 國語文課程 interdisciplinary teaching performing arts curriculum mandarin curriculum
卷期 164
日期 202209
刊名 特殊教育季刊
出版單位 中華民國特殊教育學會
DOI 10.6217/SEQ.202209_(164).37-46